F4Map Changelog
- 2024-05-06
- Accept values with unit in roof height (units are still being ignored though)
- 2023-09-21
- Fix freeze due to slow polygons zIndex sorting with Leaflet implementation
- Enable cars on roads
- 2023-09-01
- Fix crash due to polygons zIndex sorting with Leaflet with multiline geometry
- 2023-07-07
- Render building:carport as a very small building (3-4m)
- 2023-07-06
- Implement polygons zIndex sorting with Leaflet
- 2023-06-09
- Handle roof:cone and roof:monopitch
- Add a color to limestone material
- 2022-07-01
- Fix shadows acne on buildings on some GPUs
- 2021-07-01
- Avoid details showing up inside models when model covers a whole tile
- 2021-05-31
- Avoid details showing up inside buildings when details loads before buildings
- 2020-07-03
- Handle WebGL context loss, for example from tab switching or laptop sleep mode
- 2020-05-06
- Remove marker lines in 2D mode
- 2020-04-28
- Do not propagate tag building:level:underground to parts with a min_level tag
- 2020-02-05
- Fix SSAO shader missing in some cases
- 2020-01-27
- Fix SSAO on MacOS Chrome/Firefox
- 2020-01-08
- Fix lens flare at dawn and twilight
- 2019-10-23
- Fix Halloween trees / tombs not showing up
- 2019-07-24
- Avoid rendering OSM building inside a modeled building in some cases
- 2019-07-09
- Avoid rendering multiple times the same model when it crosses tile boundaries
- 2019-03-26
- Only use level tag when it's negative, positive values depends on country usages
- 2019-02-15
- Limit tree flickering when loading modeled buildings
- Prevent animated details disappearance after moving in map
- 2019-01-21
- Reload failing tiles in leaflet fallback
- 2018-12-12
- Avoid rendering cranes in modeled buildings
- 2018-11-28
- Change random number generation
- Load textures when rendered, instead of preloading
- 2018-11-08
- Fix tiles elevation rendering under sea level
- 2018-10-23
- Modeled buildings are now retrieved per tile, alongside osm buildings
- Halloween event
- Fix flying fountains and trees with elevation enabled
- Fix building and details rendering when under sea level
- 2018-10-03
- Caravans height is now between 2.5 and 3 meters (from default 7 to 10 meters)
- 2018-09-27
- Fix wrong colors on linux browsers
- Handle zinc material
- Use an improved format for osm buildings, uses less bandwidth
- 2018-07-20
- Remove cranes from brownfields
- 2018-03-16
- Fetch modeled buildings from a new dedicated server
- 2017-11-20
- Handle level with multiple levels inside, using the first numeric one
- 2017-04-19
- Added cherry trees, using
latitude to set them in flowers (blooming) or not.
- 2017-01-27
fixed a roof only building height problem
- Added man_made=antenna, mast or communications_tower as towers
- 2016-12-01
- 2015-2016
- optimizations
- Cascaded shadow maps
- improved shadows with elevations
- 2014-05-06
- optimizations
- improve vineyard, fountain and water rendering
- fix rendering under Linux
- improve 3dr roof shape handling
- improve roof shapes on multi-polygons
- 2014-04-25
- reduce memory footprint
- improve water rendering
- improve ground filtering when looking at an angle
- improve ground shading with elevations
- improve sky cloud cover with weather forecast
- handle moon fraction for night lighting
- improve wetland rendering in 3D
- 2014-04-14
- memory optimizations
- new map style when looking from far away
- improve 3D texts style
- slightly improve buildings and camera position when elevations are enabled
- increase building and details cache
- improve WebGL support detection
- use Minimal Oriented Bounding Box for roof generation when roof:orientation=across/along (otherwise use Straight Skeleton)
- handle roof:shape=saltbox
- improve Sky clouds from weather forecast
- improve day/twilight/night blending and add a fake HRD when sun reach the horizon
- use real moon position and phase for night lighting
- 2014-03-20
- many optimizations
- restore dynamic weather handling
- add spawn animation on buildings
- 2014-03-12
- switch to demo.f4map.com
- reduce memory footprint
- improve startup time
- improve Screen Space Ambient Occlusion process
- improve dynamic shadows
- 2014-03-06
- new graphic option to render post processes even when moving
- improvements in Screen Space Ambient Occlusion process
- restore rendering of natural=tree_row
- fix shadow flickering
- several graphic optimizations
- 2014-02-26
- misc optimizations
- improve sky and water rendering
- improve roof default height when tag is missing
- handle roof:shape=sawtooth
- handle roof:direction tag (for skillions and sawtooth)
- update tiles style
- 2014-02-07
- update 2D and 3D tiles style
- 2014-01-30
- add 3D rendering of aerialway
- improve shadows with ground elevations
- improve buildings generation
- 2014-01-28
- improve water effect
- handle cloud cover in sky dome and remove clouds layer
- handle more weather condition
- handle direction tag on sculpture
- misc memory and performances optimizations
- 2014-01-16
- improve water effect
- real time 3D features reflection on water (not working with ground elevations)
- smooth ground lighting with elevations
- memory optimization
- 2014-01-09
- handle step_count flag on building:part=steps
- darken/lighten rendering according to current weather cloud density
- ground elevation optimizations
- 2014-01-08
- handle landuse=plant_nursery with aligned bush
- handle landuse=orchard with aligned deciduous trees
- improve tile style
- 2013-12-23
- handle roof:shape=skillion + building:part=steps combined with steps:height=*, check out the result
on Bercy
- fix bugs on skeleton computation on building with parts
- fix wind direction on smokes & clouds
- 2013-12-14
- geometry optimization
- lower memory usage
- misc bug-fixes
- 2013-11-30
- increase max zoom, it is now possible to move closer to the ground
- misc optimizations
- 2013-11-25
- buildings roof generation now uses Straight Skeleton algorithm.
- fix roof height auto detection when not given from OSM.
- man_made=chimney are now renderered with hyperboloid shape.
- 2013-11-07
- broken polygons from OpenStreetMap are not handled anymore and display a 3D error text
- misc optimizations
- 2013-11-04
- graphic optimization on urban and natural details
- add LOD on trees
- add outline and SSAO to trees, walls, hedges...
- 2013-10-08
- improve camera movement when elevations are enabled
- handle polygons with landuse=vineyard
- exclude building:parts=true" polygons from building generation process
- handle building:part=roof by ignoring wall extrusion
- elevation has been moved to graphic option window and stored in a cookie, change is now applied on the fly
- remove bleeding building edges when simplified during building:part integration
- 2013-10-03
- randomly add boats on route=ferry and waterway with boat=yes
- improve roof ridge detection
- improve dynamic shadows on dusk and dawn
- improve ground lighting with elevations enabled
- fix smoke and fountain color for Mac drivers
- 2013-09-27
- better handling of buildings position when elevations are enabled
- handle man_made=petroleum_well with an animated model
- handle min_height on barrier=wall/fence
- handle cables=number on power lines
- 2013-09-23
- handle ground digital elevations (disabled by default, use the top right green button to enable them)
- 2013-09-20
- handle polygons with multiple details tags (i.e: barrier=wall + amenity=fountain will render both)
- handle multi-lines building and building:part that create self-intersecting polygons on import
- 2013-09-19
- handle natural=stone and
megalith_type check out Carnac
- handle roof:slope:direction as string "N" "NE" "E" "SE" "S" "SW" "W" "NW"
- server hardware update
- 2013-09-05
- handle highway=street_lamp
- 2013-09-02
- handle natural=grassland on ground tiles
- 2013-08-23
- randomly add animated construction cranes on "landuse=construction"
- add some random to wind generator animation
- add buildings synchronization date on footer
- 2013-07-23
- added graphic options
- labels on the map
- added tree species support (coniferous, deciduous and palm)
- randomize scrubs, forests and cemeteries pattern
- 2013-07-12
- 2013-07-05
- 2013-06-27
- smooth normals on Dome & Onion roofs
- 2013-06-24
- f4 map now uses geodetic coordinates in url
- handle building materials
- 2013-06-19
- improved building part to building association detection
- handle real time weather conditions
- handle real sun light direction
- handle roof:shape=skillion
- 2013-06-14
- building parts properly removed from building
- building parts inherits tags from building
- 2013-06-10